crossorigin="anonymous"> THE CONCEPT OF TIME IN TAROT
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Hello friends,

In this post, I will share my thoughts on a topic I frequently receive many questions about once again. The concept of time in tarot. Particularly in my classes, I receive a lot of questions related to this topic. In fact, even when people want to inquire about the training, the first question is often, "Teacher, will I be able to learn enough to predict time?" Let's try to explain this topic a bit.

With a simple internet search on the concept of time in tarot, you'll come across information like this:

Wands: Events that will happen soon (hours, days)

Swords: Relatively a bit later (weeks)

Cups: Normal timeframe (months)

Pentacles: Events that will happen at the latest time (years)

Now let's think about it. We asked the cards a question. We asked a question about when someone will enter our lives, and a wand card came up. What would your answer be? Can we say that someone will enter their life within a few hours? Or how much can we trust the information we provided ourselves? We need to understand something here. Tarot never provides clear dates like a specific day, month, or year. When we look at the history of tarot, during its origins, the concept of time wasn't firmly established on Earth. Back in those times, concepts like days and months didn't hold much meaning for people. The information I provided above is based on elemental knowledge and was created later; it doesn't hold validity in my view.

So, does tarot not give us any information about time?

Of course, it does, but this information is never in the form of a specific date. It can only provide information about whether the event in question will occur in the near future, medium-term, or distant future. For example, if our spread contains a lot of wand cards, based on the nature of this suit, we can infer that we have more time. Remember that the wands suit represents things that haven't happened yet, things that have no groundwork, only emotions and thoughts that have passed through our minds. Conversely, the pentacles, influenced by the earth element, offer information about events that have reached a certain stage, events with a foundation. Therefore, if there are a lot of pentacle cards in our spread, it indicates that the time for this event is quite short. Apart from that, we have some specific cards. For instance, the Eight of Wands provides information about a rapidly forming event. Knight cards, on the other hand, indicate that an event will happen in the near future. Cards like the Three of Wands or the Seven of Pentacles point to a distant time.

What I really want to convey here is that you shouldn't learn tarot like mathematics. It's not about "if x, then y." Don't seek information like "if this card comes up, always interpret it this way." This will only lead you to consistently interpret in the same manner. Instead, try to look at the spread as a whole and strive to master the cards. Then, you'll see that you can gather all the information you want in a single spread.

With love...

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