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Kartlara dair merak ettiğiniz ve ihtiyaç duyduğunuz her şey...

In this tutorial, we will try to overcome another difficulty in learning tarot. We learned the tarot, we learned the cards, we learned the difference and relationship between the elements, everything is ok, but we still cannot interpret our expansions. We are unable to establish a connection between cards. Later, many people think that they have no talent in this field and leave.
Actually, you don't have to worry about it. Because everyone who has gone on this journey has experienced this problem. I think the main problem here is that we act a little too hastily. I can give you an example. Learning tarot is actually like learning a new language, and the cards actually represent letters or words from that language. Just as memorizing the letters and words of a language is not enough to speak that language, knowing the meanings of the cards alone will not be enough for tarot reading. The first thing you need to do is practice and patience. The link below is about that. The "Expansion Examples Course", which I have prepared upon your request, will meet this need to some extent. There are 15 different examples of expansion in the course and I have interpreted them for you. But remember that this course will not be of any use to you without learning the basics. Therefore, you must first have an intermediate level of tarot knowledge. For this, you can review the "Basic Tarot Course" tutorial. For all your questions and suggestions, you can contact me and follow my instagram page.
Instagram @tarot.gunluks
Expansion Examples Course Link

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